Liberal Nationals Shadow Cabinet
Today we are announcing a new Shadow Cabinet that will work together to hold the Labor Government to account for its failings, and reset the way we engage with the Victorian community to develop solutions to the challenges facing Victoria.
The Liberal Nationals’ core values are positive and inclusive. We believe in opportunity; that everybody should be free to achieve their potential.
This new Shadow Cabinet is a balance of skills and experience with an injection of new talent to help the Liberal Nationals win the contest of ideas over how best to take Victoria forward.
While the Andrews Labor Government is top-heavy with former union officials, our team includes former nurses and health sector workers, small business owners, farmers, a school teacher, a police officer and accounting and financial services professionals.
Deputy Opposition Leader, Peter Walsh will continue to be a strong advocate for country Victoria and serve as Shadow Minister for Regional Victoria and Decentralisation, Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs.
Deputy Liberal Leader Cindy McLeish will take on the key role of Shadow Minister for Education. As a former teacher, Cindy understands the importance of ensuring that our children receive a first class education. While education standards and outcomes are stagnating under the Andrews Labor Government, Cindy will focus on policies to improve outcomes for our children.
Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council, David Davis will serve in the key portfolios of Shadow Minister for Public Transport (Metropolitan) and Transport Infrastructure. Given Labor’s long history of botching infrastructure projects, David will have an important job holding Labor accountable.
Georgie Crozier has a long history working in the healthcare sector. As the Shadow Minister for Health, Georgie will be responsible for scrutinising Labor’s management of a system that too often fails Victorians in need and developing policies that will put patients and their families first.
New Shadow Treasurer, Louise Staley is a fierce advocate for her constituency. Louise brings to this role her 20 year career in finance as well as small business and farming experience. She will hold Labor accountable for its record high taxes and plans for the biggest debt binge in Victorian history.
I have personally taken responsibility for the Small Business portfolio because I know how important this sector is for economic growth and jobs. Moreover, small businesses are living examples of those who work hard, create opportunity for others and drive innovation – just what Victoria needs.
Also welcomed to Shadow Cabinet for the first time are Roma Britnell in the Rural Roads, Ports and Freight portfolios, Neil Angus in the Assistant Treasurer, Consumer Affairs and Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs portfolios and new Evelyn MP Bridget Vallence as Secretary to the Shadow Cabinet.
I’m pleased to announce the return of Kim Wells to Shadow Cabinet in the Special Minister of State and Counter-Terrorism portfolios. Kim is a highly experienced MP and former senior Minister. He will prove a strong and respected Manager of Opposition Business.
As Shadow Attorney-General, Edward O’Donohue will also be responsible for the Coalition’s response to the proposed Royal Commission into the management of police informants.
I’d like to again place on record my thanks to Matthew Guy for his support and friendship. I respect and understand his decision to not serve in Shadow Cabinet. I also thank Craig Ondarchie, Neale Burgess and Danny O’Brien for their strong contribution to the Shadow Cabinet in the previous Parliament. I know they will continue to make important contributions to the Coalition and to their electorates.
This new Shadow Cabinet team will develop the key policies we will take to the next election that will reflect the core values of the Liberal Nationals: opportunity, reward for effort, the rule of law, environmental stewardship, a strong economy, a cohesive society, protecting the vulnerable, and limited but effective government.