McLeish secures Melba Highway improvements
The troublesome Melba Highway is expected to receive resealing and road reconstruction repairs during the 2022 road maintenance season....
McLeish’s call for bus service info session in Murrindindi Shire win
An information session in Murrindindi Shire for proposed changes to Eildon – Southern Cross Station Bus Route 684 has been announced....
Restoring Maroondah Dam to its former glory
A Matthew Guy Liberals and Nationals Government will restore Maroondah Reservoir Park, with funding to revitalise the area and upgrade...
McLeish ensures voices are heard at Puffing Billy
For years volunteers have played a critical role with the operation of Puffing Billy as Station Masters, drivers, guards, conductors and...
Agriculture job cuts leaves regional Victoria in the lurch
The State Labor Government’s ‘budget savings’ plan will axe a further 85 jobs from Victoria’s agriculture department, slashing close to...
Crumbling country roads just ‘imagined fantasy’, Labor MP says
Country drivers who complain that dangerous potholes are hazards on the rural road network are living in “imagined fantasies”, according...