Wesburn Junior Football Club set for upgrade
Wesburn Junior Football Club is set to win under a new commitment from the Liberals and Nationals to provide $4 million towards the development of The Wesburn Community, Recreation and Education Centre.
The club’s current facilities, including changerooms, are small, outdated, cramped and not female friendly. They need to be expanded and modernised to accommodate the consistently growing membership numbers.
Wesburn Junior Football Club have gained 100 members since 2021, and field two girl’s teams, and five boy’s teams, with more expected in the 2023 season. Female participation numbers have steadily increased and require appropriate facilities to accommodate current and future female players.
New and purpose built female changerooms will increase safety for female players who currently have to cross a busy road to change at the toilet block or arrive and go home in their uniforms – not ideal in the mud.
Further development upgrades of the sports pavilion, hall and community facilities at the recreation centre will benefit other tenants including the Yarra Junction Cricket Club, Upper Yarra Pony Club and Wesburn Primary School – regular users of the area.
Shadow Minister for Sport Cindy McLeish said the developments will also benefit the surrounding community who can access the community facility.
“The upgraded facilities will deliver new opportunities for extended community use and facilitate the inclusion of a more diverse participant base.”
“Wesburn Junior Football Club have done their best for years managing the space available. With the steady growth of the club, new facilities are more important than ever.”
“Local sporting clubs are a vital part of the Upper Yarra, and the Liberals and Nationals are proud to support grassroots sport with this commitment.”