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Remediation road works for Badger Weir Picnic Area…eventually

The State Government has stated remediation works will take place “in the coming months” on the appalling Badger Weir Picnic Area entrance road, leaving community members wondering when exactly this will occur.

In April, State Liberal Member for Eildon Cindy McLeish wrote to the Minister about the deteriorating condition of the Badger Weir Picnic Area road and the severe discomfort and danger it was causing visitors.

Ms McLeish said, “It is all well and good for the Minister to say repairs will be made, but the community want to know exactly when and what repairs will occur. Will visitors have to put up with this shamble of a road until spring or even summer?”

“The current condition of the entrance road is downright awful. I was surprised it was allowed to get to that state before repairs were made.”

The Minister responded to Ms McLeish’s request in June, claiming repairs were made in December 2021, following heavy rain.

Ms McLeish continues, “There are some select areas on the road where you can see resurfacing has taken place. The remainder of the road is full of deep potholes and kicked up bitumen.”

“It is disappointing the Minister has not made repairs a priority. Perhaps if she visited the area herself, she would see what a mess the road is in and how urgently repairs need to be made,” Ms McLeish concludes.


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