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Be careful of the potholes

It is time for the Minister for Roads to visit the region, and that is what State Liberal Member for Eildon, Cindy McLeish MP has called for in parliament.

Roads across the region are in a deplorable condition and only getting worse due to the lack of serious repairs made by the State Labor Government.

Ms McLeish called on the Minister to personally drive up the Melba Highway and onto the Maroondah Highway to Mansfield. On the way back the Minister needs to head to Alexandra and take the trip over the Black Spur to Healesville to see for himself the dire need for serious road repairs and ensure these repairs are actioned.

Ms McLeish said, “I have previously called on the Minister to drive Heidelberg-Kinglake Road between Kinglake and St Andrews. The Minister can’t do it from behind a desk in the city, he needs to see the road conditions for himself.”

“I receive complaints from residents almost on a daily basis about how poor and dangerous the roads are, and the damage potholes cause to vehicles. People are fed up, and rightly so.”

The Melba Highway is a serious concern, easily receiving the largest amount of complaints from drivers. It is full of potholes, crumbling shoulders and uneven road surface.

Ms McLeish continues, “I drive along the Melba Highway almost daily and it is no surprise that residents are concerned about this road in particular. It has been an issue for years and is only getting worse with band aid fixes that don’t last.”

“I continually address the concerns of locals with the Minister, who told me I raise more road issues with him more than any other Member of Parliament.”

Other major roads that the community are concerned about include the Warburton Highway, the Black Spur, the roads in and around Woods Point and the Maroondah Highway from Healesville all the way to Mansfield.

“The State Labor Government needs to stop ignoring regional roads. Repairs need to be made now,” Ms McLeish concludes.

Under Parliamentary guidelines the Minister has 30 days to respond to Ms McLeish’s request.


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