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Protecting strategic agricultural land

State Liberal Member Eildon Cindy McLeish is encouraging Murrindindi Shire residents and farmers to have their say about the Victorian Government’s investigations into protecting strategic agricultural land.

The Victorian Government is undertaking a process to decide what planning measures will be used to protect strategic agricultural land within a 100 km radius surrounding Melbourne, which includes much of the Murrindindi Shire.

Ms McLeish has written to the Minister for Planning outlining concerns about the government’s consultation process and that many farmers in the Murrindindi Shire don’t even know the review is taking place.

“I am deeply concerned there is a lack of awareness about the current public consultation process amongst my local community, especially in the Murrindindi Shire.”

“Firstly, I am concerned that no community workshop has been established in the Murrindindi Shire which has limited the ability of my community to have its say in the consultation process. I am informed that only two farmers from the Murrindindi Shire have attended these workshops.”

“Furthermore, I do not believe DELWP has advertised the consultation process appropriately, especially to farmers, nor has it enlisted the assistance of Local Government to identify and invite key stakeholder community’s to take part in the process.”

“Of greater concern is that DELWP in their initial investigations determined only a small amount of land in the Murrindindi Shire was classified as being high value. I would strongly argue that most of the land within the district is high-value grazing land.”

Ms McLeish called on the Minister to review the consultation process and to establish a community workshop in the Murrindindi Shire to allow local residents to have their say.

Anyone can provide their input about what strategic agricultural land is protected and how, by participating online at

Website submissions close on Tuesday 23 April.

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