Liberals to support nature-based tourism in Central Highlands
An elected Liberal Nationals Government will provide $200,000 for a feasibility study into the construction a new world-class hiking track from Healesville to Eildon.
Building on the popularity of nature based tourism across the state, the proposed Highlands Track will present hikers with a 6 day, 115km walking trail connecting the Yarra Valley from Healesville to Lake Eildon via Marysville.
The proposed Highlands Track will present a new and exciting participatory project that will aim to promote ‘well-managed’ nature based tourism along with the involvement of a wide range of community and industry stakeholders where possible.
Future construction of the track would utilise existing trails and access tracks through Crown land and will include a number of huts for overnight stays.
The successful completion of the feasibility study could lead to a major boost for tourism in the region with the future track attracting visitors from serious hikers to school groups and families.
Comments attributable to Cindy McLeish MP Liberal Member for Eildon
“This funding provides the potential opportunity to further support employment and tourist growth in our region, and will help ensure the region remains a top destination for nature tourists from across Australia and from overseas.”
Comments attributable to Nick Wakeling MP Shadow Minister for Environment
“Cindy McLeish is a strong advocate for finding ways to protect our environment whilst also growing the local tourism sector.”
“This Highlands Track will allow more people to experience our beautiful forests and the Liberal Nationals are proud to be supporting nature based activities such as this project.”