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Liberals act to protect CFA volunteers

State Member for Eildon and Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Communities and Volunteers Cindy McLeish MP has announced new legislation that will help safeguard the rights of volunteer firefighters currently under attack by Daniel Andrews and the UFU.

“While Daniel Andrews continues to wage war with our volunteer firefighters, the Liberals have today introduced legislation into Parliament to protect them,” Ms McLeish said.

Today in the Legislative Council the Liberal Party moved an amendment to the Country Fire Authority Act 1958.

The amendment will;

• Recognise the CFA as a volunteer-based organisation;

• Recognise the authority’s requirement to have regard to the Volunteer Charter and the principles and commitment contained therein;

• Restrict the authority entering any deed, agreement or arrangement that may adversely affect volunteers and or avoid the application of any Commonwealth or Victorian law.

This Bill aims to strengthen the Volunteer Charter signed by the former Coalition Government in 2011 that the current Labor Government has since allowed to be weakened.

In June 2016, Daniel Andrews declared the dispute between volunteer firefighters and the United Firefighters Union “had to come to an end and I ended it”.

“Month later the Andrews Labor Government has been rocked by allegations of bullying, resignations of senior personnel, a Senate Committee inquiry, new Federal legislation and litigation in the Supreme Court,” Ms McLeish said.

Ms McLeish concluded saying, “Daniel Andrews can end this once and for all by supporting the Liberals amendments to the CFA Act, respecting our volunteers now and into the future.”

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